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how to expand your time through your mindset

February 25, 2020

Woman smiling on couch, she's working on reaching her goals with the help of a New York City therapist.

How many times have you told yourself, “I have so much to do and not enough time.”?  Have you ever thought that by changing your mind, you could increase your productivity? Studies show that a positive approach to our “To Do” list is a key component to getting more done with better results.

Woman looking out the window, thinking about how to better her life in therapy.

In “The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology that Fuel Success and Performance at Work”, Shawn Achor presents his research on how positive thinking and living have a direct effect on productivity. The results of practicing positivity are staggering:

  • 3 times the creativity
  • 31% more productivity
  • 23% fewer symptoms of fatigue
  • 37% increase in sales
  • 10 times more invested

Many are talking about the benefits of changing your mind when it comes to work. Here are some simple ways to begin thinking differently about all that’s on your list.

Inject Positivity into Your Workspace: 

Woman writing in her journal, working on the things she's talking about in therapy.

Personalize your workspace with the things you love. Pictures of family or favorite places, funny quotes or inspirational sayings are all great ways to infuse good thoughts into your work environment. If running errands is on today’s agenda, tune in to a favorite pod cast while driving and keep boosting positive thoughts.

Give Thanks:

Decades of studies show that gratitude has a positive effect on attitude. Begin and end each day with “Three Thanks”. Naming things we are thankful for has an instant impact on the direction of our thoughts. Train your brain to “think in thankfulness”.


Woman doing yoga to keep up with self care.

This doesn’t have to mean joining a gym. If your tasks require a lot of sitting, make time to move. Take stairs, not elevators. Park your car a little further from the entrance. It may seem like this is counter intuitive when there is so much to be done, but studies show that the positive chemicals released from physical activity actually give us an energy boost!

The next time you are tempted to think, “I can’t!” when looking at your calendar, think again. Try some of the methods shared here and look into other resources to help you be a more productive and happy you.


At Manhattan Wellness, we understand that with all the messages we receive from the world, it can be difficult to maintain a positive narrative about ourselves. From social media, movies, and even people close to us, it can be hard to drown out the negative. So much so that our inner critic takes over and we forget to show ourselves the same compassion as others. That’s why our female therapists want to support you in building the confidence you need to reach your highest potential. Let us help you create an empowering narrative that will benefit all aspects of your life, from personal to professional. If you are interested in beginning counseling for women:

  1. Submit a Contact Form or Email Us at
  2. Learn More About Our Team and Our Areas of Expertise
  3. Begin Seeing Yourself in a Whole New Light!


Our therapists understand that building confidence takes time and that other issues can come up along the way. To better support you, we offer a variety of services to cater to your individual needs. The therapy services we offer are Therapy for Self Esteem, Anxiety Treatment, and therapy for dating and relationship issues. As well as therapy for college students, support for maternal mental health, body image therapy, and so much more. Are you feel like you’re not living the life you want and need to make changes? Let’s talk about it.

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