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mw editorial

have fulfilment in your work, not fear

November 21, 2020

What is the motivating force that drives us to work on a project or complete a task? Many of us experienced teachers who would threaten lower grades if we did not complete an assignment on time. Parents may withhold privileges from their children if they don’t clean their room. Bosses might delay a promotion if a proposal isn’t submitted. Over time, we realize a majority of our motivation comes from the fear of negative consequences. Having this type of mentality can rob us of the self-gratification we can achieve when we focus on completing projects with positivity and encouragement.

The Rush vs. The Journey

Manhattan woman sitting on a sofa leaning back with her hands folded over her head. Depression symptoms and treatments can help.

When we worry about what may happen if a project isn’t completed on time, we tend to lose sight of everything but the finish line. We miss out on the interesting facts we learn about what we are working on and what we learn about ourselves. If we create a positive mindset, we can confront unique challenges that may arise and see them as opportunities for growth rather than negative hurdles in our way. This will allow us to enjoy and appreciate the journey of our project and not press to complete it as soon as possible.

Relief vs. Pride

Manhattan business woman working on her computer after attending therapy that empowers her to be her best version.

If we know there is a punishment for not completing a task on time, we usually have a tremendous sense of relief once that project is finished. While we were able to avoid that negative outcome, we may not have been able to fully enjoy what we accomplished. Once the project has been completed, we realize we didn’t take time to be proud of what we had completed. Instead of letting fear be our motivator, we should let our self-confidence drive us to achieve our best results and take pride in what we have worked on.

The Crowd vs. The Exception

New York coworkers looking at computer screen in a meeting.

Unfortunately, many in our society focus on avoiding consequences rather than promoting an environment of encouragement and positivity. Being surrounded by negativity can be draining and suck the enthusiasm out of the individuals tasked to meet a deadline. This can lead to disdain for the task at hand and even others within the group. Try to create an atmosphere where challenges can be achieved, creativity is accepted, and happiness can be found at the finish line. This style of work and leadership is contagious and will pay dividends for all who are involved.

While fear is a motivator for completing a project, it’s not an effective way to achieve inspired results. Further, the work and morale of those involved will suffer. Allowing learning opportunities for mistakes and offering encouragement to those working on a task will create a finished product that everyone can take pride in. The journey to a completed project where positivity is the catalyst will yield personal growth and professional fulfillment.


The truth is, there’s no single or one-size-fits-all approach to anxiety treatment. Everyone has a different approach to managing anxiety and anxious thoughts. That is why it’s important to get clear on what works for you. Once you have a better understanding of yourself and your values, you can start designing your life based on the things that are most important to you. 

Therapy for women in Manhattan and Brooklyn is a great way to figure out how to manage your anxious mind. At Manhattan Wellness, we will provide you with a safe space to explore your feelings and goals. So you can find clarity on what you want for yourself. We will pair your vulnerability with our empathy and encouragement. Then together we will uncover the key elements that will take you from where you are now to where you want to be. If you are ready to make the changes you want in your life:

  1. Submit a Contact Form or Email Us at
  2. Learn More About Our Team of Female Therapists and Our Areas of Expertise
  3. Let’s Talk About How We Can Help You Feel Empowered & Ready To Take The Next Step. 

We believe that you have the power within yourself to make the changes you want and find your version of success. Our female therapists are here to support you in navigating this journey. Allowing you to reclaim your identity and take control of your life. Thus allowing you to create the future you’ve been dreaming of.


At Manhattan Wellness, our therapists are here to support you in navigating this journey and reclaiming your identity. So you can take control of your life and create the future you’ve been dreaming of. This is why we offer a variety of services to ensure you get the support, care, and guidance necessary. The therapy services we offer are Therapy for Maternal Mental Health, Self-Esteem Counseling, and Anxiety Treatment. Along with Dating/Relationship Counseling, Counseling for College Students, and more. Feel as if you are not living the life you deserve? Let’s talk about it.

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