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Is DBT Therapy Worth it?

November 7, 2024

Is DBT therapy worth it? You may be contemplating what kind of therapy will be right for you, and our DBT therapists believe in empowering our clients to create a life that feels true to themselves. We know when your emotions aren’t regulated and you’re not feeling confident in yourself, it can affect your relationships to your goals. We want to be there for you, to provide a safe space where you feel seen, heard, and understood. This is why we offer a variety of services both in person in Manhattan and online throughout New York, such as DBT Therapy. The ultimate goal is to help empower you to invest in yourself and build a life that feels authentic and fulfilling. 

Upset and ancxous woman being consoled.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a cognitive-behavioral treatment approach which has been adapted to address various mental health issues and challenges including anxiety, depression, substance use disorders, eating disorders, and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). DBT is unique in that it has a strong emphasis on balancing acceptance and change. As seen in an article from psychology today, “The “dialectic” in dialectical behavior therapy is an acknowledgment that real life is complex, and long term health is an ongoing process hammered out through a continuous Socratic dialogue with the self and others. It is continually aimed at balancing opposing forces and investigating the truth of powerful negative emotions. DBT acknowledges the need for change, as well as an acceptance of circumstances through the recognition and processing of our constant shifting- and often contradictory- feelings. Therapists thus help patients understand and accept that processing these thoughts is an inherently messy process. DBT is itself an interplay of science and practice.

Further, DBT is built on the principle of dialectics, which involves balancing acceptance and change within therapy. The goal of DBT is to help individuals navigate this opposing tension of acceptance and change in order to build a life they want to live. An article from Harvard Health publishing states, “In fact, the cornerstone of DBT — the skills training — can help anyone navigate emotionally charged situations with more ease.” Navigating emotionally charged situations with ease is difficult, but using DBT and its key components makes it that much easier when done right. There are four key components of DBT: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. Our DBT trained therapists will teach you how to use these four skills in your everyday life. 

Mindfulness written on a piece of paper.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, when using mindfulness, it is the practice of being fully aware and focused in the present, instead of worrying about the past or the future. Using mindfulness in DBT, it can enable clients to understand and see their experiences with less  judgment.  When using distress tolerance, DBT teaches clients how to manage crises effectively without using the harmful behaviors they used in the past. These techniques can include promoting acceptance and understanding, as well as building individuals’  ability to face difficult situations with more control and ease. Using DBT for emotional regulation also helps clients understand and manage their emotions by identifying certain triggers they may have and regulating their responses. Lastly, within interpersonal effectiveness, DBT helps teach clients how to assert their needs in a positive, effective way.. 

So, with all of that to say, is DBT really worth it? At Manhattan Wellness, we’d say yes! DBT is a highly effective therapy modality for clients who struggle with emotional regulation, distress and interpersonal skills. This type of therapy takes hard work and significant commitment of time and effort, but we believe it is a worthwhile investment to make a change in your life for the better. In fact, DBT is considered “the gold standard” for treating high risk emotional and behavioral issues. 


Ready to break free from negative thoughts and live the life you’ve always wanted? Start DBT with Manhattan Wellness. 

  1. Contact Manhattan Wellness today or email us at hello@manhattanwellness.org
  2. Schedule your first appointment with one of our Manhattan therapists
  3. Make DBT a worthwhile investment for your life!


Our therapists recognize that discovering your “enough” is a journey. And it can become even more complex when the inner critic interferes, giving rise to additional challenges. We provide a range of services to ensure you receive the essential support, care, and guidance to achieve your goals. Our offerings include specialized support for women, anxiety treatment, and dating therapy. Along with services for college students, maternal mental health, body image therapy, and much more. If you feel dissatisfied with your current life and are seeking meaningful changes, let’s have a conversation about it.

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