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mw editorial

how to conquer the fear of progress

April 18, 2020

The fear of progress inhibits us from growing and moving forward in our lives and careers. Often, progress can be scary. Success can open you up to a greater potential for failure. The higher you climb, the further you can fall. Nonetheless, it’s important to be courageous. Nothing worthwhile is easy or without risk. Finding the courage to risk failure is the only way we can conquer our fear of progress.


Fear shows up every time we challenge ourselves and grow. This is because fear often serves as an alarm bell for opportunities. It can drive us to action and lets us know that the moment is right to try something new. It’s important to take a moment to investigate the reason for our fear of progress: is it due to an instinct that something is not right, or is it simply a fear of the unknown? If it is a gut reaction that something is amiss, then listen to your instincts. However, if you fear the unknown, take this moment as an opportunity for growth.


Brooklyn woman sitting on a couch, listening to music, journaling. She has created strong boundaries in her relationships.

Often, fear of progress is related to a fear of change. People are reluctant to change, and they grow comfortable in their situation. However, even if you do not make choices that might further your growth, remember that change is inevitable. The world around us does not allow us to stay static. If possible, changes should come from your own decisions and risks, rather than factors out of your control. Take charge of your situation and make changes that could benefit you.


Even if you have experienced personal or professional progress, it can be hard to acknowledge it. Verbalizing success often feels taboo, but it’s an important way to reward us for doing something challenging. It can be a way of showing gratitude, not only to ourselves but also to those around us. Sometimes it feels as though if you don’t acknowledge your progress, you won’t experience failure. This is not true. There is always the possibility of failure. Acknowledge your progress while you can, and show kindness to yourself and others who have helped you succeed.


The truth is, there’s no single or one-size-fits-all approach to anxiety treatment. Everyone has a different approach to managing anxiety and anxious thoughts. That is why it’s important to get clear on what works for you. Once you have a better understanding of yourself and your values, you can start designing your life based on the things that are most important to you. 

Therapy for women in Manhattan and Brooklyn is a great way to figure out how to manage your anxious mind. At Manhattan Wellness, we will provide you with a safe space to explore your feelings and goals. So you can find clarity on what you want for yourself. We will pair your vulnerability with our empathy and encouragement. Then together we will uncover the key elements that will take you from where you are now to where you want to be. If you are ready to make the changes you want in your life:

  1. Submit a Contact Form or Email Us at hello@manhattanwellness.org
  2. Learn More About Our Team of Female Therapists and Our Areas of Expertise
  3. Let’s Talk About How We Can Help You Feel Empowered & Ready To Take The Next Step. 

We believe that you have the power within yourself to make the changes you want and find your version of success. Our female therapists are here to support you in navigating this journey. Allowing you to reclaim your identity and take control of your life. Thus allowing you to create the future you’ve been dreaming of.


At Manhattan Wellness, our therapists are here to support you in navigating this journey and reclaiming your identity. So you can take control of your life and create the future you’ve been dreaming of. This is why we offer a variety of services to ensure you get the support, care, and guidance necessary. The therapy services we offer are Therapy for Maternal Mental Health, Self-Esteem Counseling, and Anxiety Treatment. Along with Dating/Relationship Counseling, Counseling for College Students, and more. Feel as if you are not living the life you deserve? Let’s talk about it.

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