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Stress and Academic Performance: How Counseling Can Improve Both

August 6, 2024

New York City graduates throwing their hats in the air to celebrate. Academic stress is part of college. But therapy can help you manage.

No matter what stage of school you are in, academic performance and stress go hand in hand. Counseling can play a huge role in how to positively deal with stress management and how to improve academic performance without all of the unnecessary strains of school and everyday life. In many cases, students have so much on their plates that the only way they think to let it out is through stress, which can lead to anxiety and other impacts to their mental health These behaviors can be toxic for students in the long run. 

Managing stress is no easy feat, which everyone has experienced at one point in their lives. You are not alone. College and graduate school are extremely high-stress times, and finding the right tools to eliminate these unnecessary academic performance pressures is critical to a balanced well-being. 

Brooklyn student graduation picture. Academic stress can be hard to navigate, but therapy can help.

Here are some handy tips to manage stress in college:

Identify Main Stressors 

Recognizing and labeling your stress are helpful habits for pinpointing what needs more attention and what can be put on the side for now. When we are stressed, it can seem like everything in life comes down on us at once and it is easy to get into the downward spiral of overwhelm. Identifying the main stressors of what is actually going on and what needs the most attention is the first step. Counseling for college students is a useful tool in navigating priorities and deadlines. These can shift week after week, but having consistent guidance through therapy can help you navigate all of life’s stressors. 

Create Healthy Boundaries 

Oftentimes, when stress is so overwhelming, we forget to create healthy boundaries for ourselves. A therapist will help set realistic expectations and boundaries within your means so that your day feels easier to manage rather than trying to get everything done at once. Once you have the techniques, learn how to prioritize what is most important and manage your time effectively, you will find that your stress and burnout will feel significantly reduced. With this comes the act of prioritizing yourself and your self-care routine to ensure you are focusing on you, not just your responsibilities. 

Brooklyn friends throwing their hats up in the air at graduation. Academic stress can cause performance problems, but therapy can help.

Develop Positive Coping Strategies 

Listen closely to what your mind is telling you and dig into that. Developing positive coping strategies for yourself can help you be more mindful during the day so that you don’t get overwhelmed by everything you think you have to get done. Being mindful may include meditation, deep breathing exercises and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques to help reframe the negative thoughts in your mind to softer ones that are more manageable. Online therapy will teach you how to challenge negative thoughts in high- stress situations. 

Increase Motivation and Study Skills

Stress and overwhelm in students can lead to discouragement and a lack of motivation. Through counseling, students can explore their values and interests outside of academia, which can then help them when in school. Motivation is a challenging skill to consistently keep up, but strengthening your why makes it a little easier. 

Ask for Help 

It is easy to complete tasks yourself and avoid asking for help. It is okay and better in the long term to ask for help when you need guidance and support. Professors are there to help you and want to be of any assistance to you. Colleges also provide resources out of the classroom to help you academically, like writing centers, academic advisors, tutoring programs or even librarians. Oftentimes, students don’t take advantage of the extra support they have right in front of them. Reducing the stigma of leaning on others for support will only help you grow. 

New York student graduating. Stress about academics can cause performance issues. But therapy can help.

Prioritize Self-Care and Work-Life Balance

Know when to prioritize yourself and slow down. When you prioritize yourself, you can more easily excel in other aspects of your life. It’s easy to get overwhelmed in your day-to-day tasks and skip out on other important aspects of your life, like spending time with family and friends or going to that workout class.

You don’t have to struggle with academic stress on your own. If you feel like life is getting way too overwhelming, asking for help is the first step in combating the stress of school. Our providers here at Manhattan Wellness are here for you, always. 


Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally will enhance your ability to cope with academic demands and personal challenges. While college has so much to offer, it can feel overwhelming and exhausting, often leading to feelings of burnout.  Setting aside time for you, including finding time to rest and rejuvenate is essential in adjusting to this transition.

At Manhattan Wellness, we understand that the transition to college is an exciting time filled with so much opportunity. But, we also know that with change comes a lot of uncertainty, which can be intimidating and stressful. We are here to support you in finding your path and feeling confident as you take on this new chapter. Follow these steps:

  1. Submit a Contact Form or Email Us at
  2. Learn More About Our Team of Therapists for College Students and Our Therapy Specialists
  3. Get Support As You Find Your Path in College!


We understand that navigating college in Manhattan can come with many emotions and feelings behind it. This is why our Manhattan therapists offer a range of counseling services. The mental health services we offer are Depression Therapy, Anxiety Therapy, Individual Therapy, Therapy for Self-Esteem and more.Are you feeling like you’re not living the life you want and need to make changes? Let’s talk about it.

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