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mw editorial

building self-esteem and creating a confident and successful student

March 16, 2020

A student’s self-esteem is crucial to their success in school, socially and academically. Students who lack confidence and self-esteem will shy away from challenges at the first sign of difficulty because they fear failure. Students who have confidence have friends and enjoy the challenges and opportunities presented by school. This blog will help show you how to build self-esteem and become the successful student you would like to be.

New York City woman sitting at her desk after a stressful day, with a book on her face, leaning backwards. Time management can help you feel less stressed in the day to day.

Correcting your thinking patterns

We all have truths that we tell ourselves in our minds. In the mind of confident individuals, they tell themselves, “you got this” or “you’re going to do great”, while those lacking confidence and self-esteem tell themselves, “you can’t do anything right”, or “you’re going to make a fool out of yourself”. Learning to correct your pattern of thinking and tell yourself healthy truths can build you up, and reverse the looming fear of failure that plagues many throughout their school years. Realizing that the bad things that run through your mind are lies and recognizing the truths that lie behind the lies, can make you more confident in everything you do.

Set Reasonable Goals

Manhattan woman writing goals in her journal. One way to love your singleness in NYC is to set personal goals.

Setting reasonable goals and seeing things go the way you intended can emphasize the fact that success is more than possible. Setting your expectations too high can lead to disappointment when you cannot succeed, so be realistic with yourself and strive for what you can reach. Repeatedly achieving goals builds the confidence in oneself needed to thrive in school. Academic success is achieved through a lot of small accomplishments, this can be a helpful thing to know when facing such a seemingly large challenge.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Woman sitting on a therapist couch in Manhattan learning how to deal with her depression.

Getting that extra help you need to understand the curriculum will ensure that you know what you are doing and can avoid failing because of a lack of understanding. Having an understanding of the curriculum will make the work easier and increase the your confidence in your ability.

Building up your self-esteem can lead to a successful school year and in the long run, a happier life.


At Manhattan Wellness, we understand that with all the messages we receive from the world, it can be difficult to maintain a positive narrative about ourselves. From social media, movies, and even people close to us, it can be hard to drown out the negative. So much so that our inner critic takes over and we forget to show ourselves the same compassion as others. That’s why our female therapists want to support you in building the confidence you need to reach your highest potential. Let us help you create an empowering narrative that will benefit all aspects of your life, from personal to professional. If you are interested in beginning counseling for women:

  1. Submit a Contact Form or Email Us at
  2. Learn More About Our Team and Our Areas of Expertise
  3. Begin Seeing Yourself in a Whole New Light!


Our therapists understand that building confidence takes time and that other issues can come up along the way. To better support you, we offer a variety of services to cater to your individual needs. The therapy services we offer are Therapy for Self Esteem, Anxiety Treatment, and therapy for dating and relationship issues. As well as therapy for college students, support for maternal mental health, body image therapy, and so much more. Are you feel like you’re not living the life you want and need to make changes? Let’s talk about it.

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