mw editorial
January 28, 2025
Understanding and embracing who you are and your self worth is a very powerful and transformative journey in one’s life that is always evolving and changing as we grow and get older. Self-worth comes from within and feeling confident in one’s own skin and around other people. It is difficult to always have a positive outlook on one’s self worth, but surrounding yourself with people who value and lift you up will keep your self worth from diminishing.
You are amazing, beautiful, talented and successful and you are now here reading this blog which makes you 10x more passionate about finding and maintaining your self worth. Embrace who you are and your amazing unique qualities that make you, you. Sit down and create a list of positive affirmations that you are able to give yourself. Ask family and friends something they love about you and keep a running list of strengths, talents and qualities that you are deserving of. Reflecting on these regularly will help keep a positive mindset and feeling confident in oneself.
Be kind and understanding to yourself, the same way you give compassion to other people and allow others to take a break, allow yourself to be compassionate to you. Oftentimes we look at others and treat them with kindness and understanding but we don’t do it to ourselves. Practice the compassion you give to others to yourself and acknowledge you are human and allowed to make mistakes and face challenges and adversities in life no matter who you are.
Most people wake up in the morning and just go through their routine as normal and don’t think about much besides what is going on for the day and what they have to get done. Many times, people start to get stressed or anxious thinking about their days and all that is to come. If you wake up in the morning and take a few breaths and practice affirmations, it can make a big difference in your day. Start your day with positive affirmations about yourself and what you are able to achieve. Daily affirmations can look like, “I am going to be great today,” “I am worthy,” “I am beautiful,” “I am capable,” “I am enough.” Repeating affirmations in the morning and throughout the day can get someone through their day if it is starting to get hard and not achievable in their mind. Once you say these affirmations, you will be able to visualize being capable, being enough, doing great things because you are telling yourself how amazing you are. This mental rehearsal of daily affirmations to oneself can be so helpful in building confidence and self reassurance throughout the day.
If it is hard to say daily affirmations out loud, writing them down in a journal can be a very useful and helpful start to the positive change you will make in your life. Writing things down you are grateful for every single day and writing down what you bring into this world in a positive way will help shed light on the goodness life has to offer. Focusing on the positive aspects of yourself can shift your whole mindset and thoughts about the day to a more positive and optimistic one and can enhance one’s self esteem and self confidence!
A lot of times, friends will pull you down with them when they are jealous of you or don’t like the situation they are in and want someone along with them on the negative journey they are convinced they are going down. This is not a good thing for someone who is working on self compassion and self confidence if someone in their life is trying to pull them down. Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people who will inspire you to be your best self and encourage you to do amazing things. When you are surrounded by positivity and positive people, their energy will be very telling and will reinforce your sense of self worth and confidence for yourself. If you do have those friends that try to pull you down, it’s okay to set boundaries with them! Be mindful of these relationships and distance yourself from the toxicity that they put out.
Being able to acknowledge and celebrate the smallest of wins even if you don’t think they are worth celebrating, they are worth it! Celebrating the small stuff reinforces that everything is a sense of accomplishment and reinforces self worth and confidence in what one is doing. Embrace the challenges that there are along the way to celebrating the progress. Nothing is perfect, but knowing progress is an opportunity to grow and learn is what matters. Learning from setbacks and failure in life only drives you forward to the place you are meant to be.
Oftentimes we forget that our bodies need nourishment, rest and a break from all that life throws to us. Prioritizing your well-being and understanding your body is deserving of a break will help you grow as a person. Staying active by going for walks, meditating and engaging in hobbies that you love will help you grow as a person in life. Prioritizing yourself means you have the space to welcome others into your life. Ensuring that you have the time to rest and recharge when necessary is important in practicing self care. Overworking often leads to burnout, negative perceptions of the job and people around you. Practicing self-care can really help in nurturing the parts of you that need attention and rest.
Identifying and challenging the negative thinking patterns you are having can be very beneficial in thinking of things in a more positive way than a negative way. Once the negative thoughts are identified and challenged, replacing them with more positive and meaningful thoughts will help to change one’s perspective and be helpful. Practicing mindfulness and meditation within this is also very helpful to stay present and shy away from negative thoughts and emotions. Meditation can help to reduce the stress and anxiety one is having and calm the mind into a more positive state.
It’s easy to get into the habit of telling yourself you are not good enough and criticize yourself constantly. Making the switch from self-criticism and negative self talk to positive self talk and words of encouragement will make all the difference. Reframing that inner dialogue and reminding yourself how amazing and important you are is so important. The habit of putting yourself down is easy, so making that switch to positively affirming your worth and achievements can be just as easy and extremely effective. Regularly reminding yourself of your value in life and validating yourself can be easy.
Investing in yourself is a lifelong process and does not happen overnight or in a few days. This investment in yourself will constantly change and evolve as you learn new skills, knowledge and experience different things that interest you and vice versa. Personal growth helps to develop a deeper understanding of your capabilities and worth which in turn helps to understand yourself better. Setting personal goals and working towards those goals will help to reflect on passions, values, and things you love to do rather than doing things because you think you should. Achieving those goals is a sense of accomplishment and will reinforce your sense of worth in this world. High confidence leads to more chances to improve and more chances leads to better self esteem in oneself.
Focus on what you want and not what everyone else wants or what everyone else is telling you. Celebrate your own uniqueness and what makes you, you. Recognize and celebrate what makes you unique and keep in mind that your individuality is a huge part of who you are and your own self worth. Avoid comparing yourself to others and focus on what you want and what you are looking for in your own personal journey and growth.
Therapy is one of the best ways to utilize all of the skills, tips and tricks said above with the help of a professional to guide you with that push to get there. Self-esteem and self confidence are extremely hard to come by and don’t happen overnight. With the help of a professional, we can help you work through deeper issues that stem from childhood and work forwards to create the best version of yourself. Self-worth is something that has to be worked on everyday and being supported is one of the best ways to get there.
Ready to start rewriting your story and becoming the best version of yourself? Follow these easy steps to get started:
At Manhattan Wellness, we understand that with all the messages we receive from the world, it can be difficult to maintain a positive narrative about ourselves. From social media, movies, and even people close to us, it can be hard to drown out the negative. So much so that our inner critic takes over and we forget to show ourselves the same compassion as others. That’s why our female therapists want to support you in building the confidence you need to reach your highest potential. Let us help you create an empowering narrative that will benefit all aspects of your life, from personal to professional. If you are interested in beginning counseling for women:
Our therapists understand that building confidence takes time and that other issues can come up along the way. To better support you, we offer a variety of services to cater to your individual needs. The therapy services we offer are Therapy for Self Esteem, Anxiety Treatment, and therapy for dating and relationship issues. As well as therapy for college students, support for maternal mental health, body image therapy, and so much more. Are you feel like you’re not living the life you want and need to make changes? Let’s talk about it.