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mw editorial

journaling to improve self-esteem

March 1, 2020

Woman with glasses writing in a yellow notebook. She would benefit from meeting with a therapist in Manhattan, NY.

Building your self-esteem is a journey, long or short, that you deserve to go through. You deserve to feel good looking, smart, capable, and strong. This journey may be hard but it’s worth it. You are worth it.

Journaling can help you start the process of building your self-esteem. You can write about goals, dreams, current life ordeals, and so much more. Getting everything down on paper can be therapeutic and good for your sense of self. Try two or three journals to keep your thoughts straight such as one for everyday life, one for self-esteem and another for goals.

Brooklyn woman, journaling in her notebook. Breaking the negative cognition of black and white thinking is key in therapy.

Here are some starting points to help you with your journaling.

Your Self-Esteem Journal

This journal is going to hold your innermost thoughts. A safe place for you to release all the negative thoughts and plant the seeds for your positive self-esteem. For you to go over your day to day or write your thoughts on a difficult situation. This journal should reflect who you are as a person. Draw on it, write positive quotes, color it, or decorate it with jewels and such. Make it a reflection of the positive you.

Self-Esteem Prompts

Sometimes writing about your day or how you feel or even where to start can be overwhelming. Prompts can help you focus your thoughts as you write them down and guide you through your journey. Below are some prompts that you can use and you can find more all over the internet.

Woman with short hair and glasses writing in a journal. She is using journaling to help manage her stress and build self esteem.

  • What makes you unique (positive comments only)?
  • What words or beliefs do you or do you want to live your life by?
  • Make a list of things you want to do before next year.

These are made to help you dig deep and find the good qualities about yourself as well as give you goals and expectations to live by.

Multiple Journals

Having multiple journals can keep your thoughts organized. Use a journal for your thoughts and self-esteem exploration and a bullet journal to keep your daily, weekly and future plans in order is a great way to use can help you stay focused, motivated and organized.

Woman sitting on her bed with a blue dress on, flipping through a book. She is working on her therapy goals through journaling.

Journal every day even if it’s just five minutes. Doing it will get you in the habit of journaling and expressing yourself and start you on the road to self-confidence.


At Manhattan Wellness, we understand that with all the messages we receive from the world, it can be difficult to maintain a positive narrative about ourselves. From social media, movies, and even people close to us, it can be hard to drown out the negative. So much so that our inner critic takes over and we forget to show ourselves the same compassion as others. That’s why our female therapists want to support you in building the confidence you need to reach your highest potential. Let us help you create an empowering narrative that will benefit all aspects of your life, from personal to professional. If you are interested in beginning counseling for women:

  1. Submit a Contact Form or Email Us at
  2. Learn More About Our Team and Our Areas of Expertise
  3. Begin Seeing Yourself in a Whole New Light!


Our therapists understand that building confidence takes time and that other issues can come up along the way. To better support you, we offer a variety of services to cater to your individual needs. The therapy services we offer are Therapy for Self Esteem, Anxiety Treatment, and therapy for dating and relationship issues. As well as therapy for college students, support for maternal mental health, body image therapy, and so much more. Are you feel like you’re not living the life you want and need to make changes? Let’s talk about it.

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