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Time Management & Stress: Techniques for Prioritizing Tasks and Reducing Stress Through Therapy

September 5, 2024

Picture of a therapist talking, using her hands, with a clipboard and pen.

Do you get anxious because you never know what task to tackle first? Do you frequently think there aren’t enough hours in the day to check off the items on your to-do list? If you answered yes, it may be beneficial to become more intentional about time and stress management. 

Stress management is essential for our health. Short-term, manageable stress levels can help to improve resilience for future challenges and can even motivate or energize us to act. However, chronic, ongoing stress is detrimental to mental and physical health, and can significantly and negatively affect our relationships with ourselves and those around us. 

The first step in managing stress is being aware of when you’re feeling stressed. Physical symptoms of stress can help us identify and become more self-aware about when we need to intentionally intervene. Here are a few common physical symptoms:

Woman working at desk looking very stressed with one hand on her head and other hand holding her classes.
  • Digestive issues
  • Tense or painful muscles
  • Increased heart rate 
  • Sweating
  • Quickened breathing 

Once you’ve identified these symptoms, it’s important to then identify what’s going on mentally. Try to pinpoint the root causes of your anxiety. Oftentimes one of the major contributors to stress is poor time management. The feeling of being overwhelmed and not knowing where to start can create a constant state of unease. Fortunately, there are techniques and therapy approaches that can help you prioritize tasks and reduce stress.

Here are some effective prioritization techniques:

  • Eisenhower Matrix: This technique, also known as the Urgent-Important Matrix, is a simple yet powerful tool for prioritizing tasks. It divides tasks into four categories: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important and neither urgent nor important. By categorizing your tasks, you can focus on what truly matters and reduce the feeling of overwhelm.
  • Time Blocking: This method entails allocating specific time blocks for different tasks. By creating a structured schedule, you can make the most of your available time and ensure you address important tasks. This technique prevents procrastination and helps you maintain a sense of control over your day. For example, block out 20 minutes to reply to emails. To add to time blocking’s effectiveness, try putting your phone away and using a timer. If all of your tasks are falling into your urgent and important category, try time blocking.
  • The Pomodoro Technique: This strategy involves breaking your work into short, focused intervals (typically 25 minutes) immediately followed by a short break. This method can enhance your productivity and reduce the stress associated with long, uninterrupted work sessions.

In addition to prioritization techniques and therapy, there are practical steps you can take to reduce stress in your daily life. These may seem obvious, but they can be difficult to execute when you are buried by day to day busyness. Being intentional about sticking to these techniques can significantly reduce feelings of overwhelm. 

These practical actions can make a huge impact in reducing stress:

  • Set Realistic Goals: Avoid setting unrealistic expectations for yourself. Be honest about what you can accomplish in a given day and set achievable goals. This will help you avoid the stress of constantly falling short of your own expectations.
  • Say No: Overcommitting to tasks and obligations can lead to chronic stress. Learn to say no when you can’t take on more responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Delegate: If you have the option to delegate tasks or seek help from others, don’t hesitate to do so. Delegating can free up your time and reduce your stress load.
  • Take Breaks: Regular breaks, even short ones, can improve your productivity and reduce stress. Step away from your tasks, take a walk and clear your mind before returning to work.
Calming lit candle on a table next to a lamp, on top of books.

While prioritizing time can help with stress management, that can sometimes only be half the battle. Therapy can also help reduce stress and anxiety, and in turn, improve productivity. If you’ve tried time management techniques and taken steps to implement structure into your daily routine yet you’re still overwhelmed, our skilled team at Manhattan Wellness is here to help. Using different therapeutic modalities, including behavior-change therapy and mindfulness techniques, you can learn to manage stress effectively. 

Stress management and effective time management go hand in hand. By identifying physical and mental symptoms of stress, prioritizing tasks and seeking therapy when needed, you can take significant steps toward reducing stress in your life. Remember, stress is a natural part of life, but with the right techniques and strategies, you can transform it from a constant burden into a manageable force that propels you forward. Take control of your time and you’ll take control of your stress.

Ready to manage your time and stress? Submit a contact form or email us at Learn more about our team of female therapists and our areas of expertise.


The truth is, there’s no single or one-size-fits-all approach to anxiety treatment. Everyone has a different approach to managing anxiety and anxious thoughts. That is why it’s important to get clear on what works for you. Once you have a better understanding of yourself and your values, you can start designing your life based on the things that are most important to you. 

Therapy for women in Manhattan and Brooklyn is a great way to figure out how to manage your anxious mind. At Manhattan Wellness, we will provide you with a safe space to explore your feelings and goals. So you can find clarity on what you want for yourself. We will pair your vulnerability with our empathy and encouragement. Then together we will uncover the key elements that will take you from where you are now to where you want to be. If you are ready to make the changes you want in your life:

  1. Submit a Contact Form or Email Us at
  2. Learn More About Our Team of Female Therapists and Our Areas of Expertise
  3. Let’s Talk About How We Can Help You Feel Empowered & Ready To Take The Next Step. 

We believe that you have the power within yourself to make the changes you want and find your version of success. Our female therapists are here to support you in navigating this journey. Allowing you to reclaim your identity and take control of your life. Thus allowing you to create the future you’ve been dreaming of.


At Manhattan Wellness, our therapists are here to support you in navigating this journey and reclaiming your identity. So you can take control of your life and create the future you’ve been dreaming of. This is why we offer a variety of services to ensure you get the support, care, and guidance necessary. The therapy services we offer are Therapy for Maternal Mental Health, Self-Esteem Counseling, and Anxiety Treatment. Along with Dating/Relationship Counseling, Counseling for College Students, and more. Feel as if you are not living the life you deserve? Let’s talk about it.

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