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EMDR Therapy in Manhattan, NY

You Can Be in Control Again. You Just Need the Right Tools.

You find yourself feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and anxious. A past memory or trauma has you feeling like you're reliving it over and over again. Your attention span? Gone. Your ability to relax? A thing of the past. You find yourself struggling with relationships, work, and daily tasks because your emotional well-being has taken a backseat. Instead, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, and nightmares are consuming your every waking moment. The control you once had over your life seems to be slipping away.

Maybe you've been to therapy before. You may have tried different techniques and coping mechanisms, but nothing seems to be working. The anxiety you have surrounding your trauma is still there. So, you may be wondering, "What else can I do? How can I regain control of my life?" You’ve read books, practiced mindfulness, and followed advice from well-meaning friends, but the relief is temporary. And the underlying pain persists. The constant battle with your thoughts leaves you feeling exhausted and defeated. But you don't have the time to wait it out. You want to live life to the fullest. You want to be able to enjoy relationships, work, and hobbies without the weight of past trauma holding you back.

You Just Want to Live, Not Simply Survive

You feel as if you are constantly in survival mode. Your brain is stuck in a cycle of fight, flight, fawn, or freeze. When someone drops a dish at your morning coffee run, you are startled and immediately on edge. When a coworker approaches you without warning, your heart pounds out of your chest. You may even feel like you are back in the moment of your trauma, reliving it all over again. It's hindering your ability to function and thrive in everyday life.
Perhaps the thought of socializing with new people makes you want to hide under the covers. Yet, your job requires you to network and build relationships with clients. The motivation you have to be the best is now clashing with your anxiety, and you feel like you're failing. You want to be able to have control over your emotions and reactions so that you can build the life you desire. Because this isn't living. This is just surviving.

You have experienced a traumatic event that you find difficult to move past.


You struggle with recurring flashbacks or nightmares.


You feel overwhelmed by anxiety or panic attacks.


You avoid certain places or situations because they remind you of past trauma.


You experience intense emotional reactions to specific triggers.


You have difficulty sleeping or maintaining a restful sleep.


You find it challenging to stay present or grounded in the moment.


You feel stuck in negative thought patterns related to past experiences.


You might benefit from EMDR Therapy in New York if:

What is EMDR Therapy?

You've heard of EMDR therapy but might not fully understand what it is or how it works. You might be wondering, "Is it a form of hypnosis or talk therapy?" or "Does it involve eye movements like the name suggests?" EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, a type of psychotherapy aimed at helping people reprocess past trauma and negative feelings or thought patterns. The goal isn't for you to delete or rid yourself of past memories or traumatic experiences. Instead, EMDR helps you process and integrate these memories in a way that reduces their emotional impact, allowing you to live a more balanced and fulfilling life. The memories will remain a part of you, but through EMDR, they'll lose their overwhelming power.

Yes, eye movements are one aspect, a significant one, of EMDR but it also incorporates other bilateral stimulation techniques. These can include hand tapping or auditory tones. In an EMDR therapy session, you'll focus on a specific memory while your therapist leads you through different sets of bilateral stimulation. This process helps your brain reprocess the trauma in a way that makes it easier to cope with. It essentially helps your brain "digest" the trauma so you can create a new storyline which in turn can allow you to better navigate the emotions you experience. Imagine having a splinter in your foot that has healed over. EMDR would be like removing the sharpness or discomfort of that splinter. It doesn't change the fact that it happened, but it makes it easier to walk and continue on.

What are Signs and Symptoms That EMDR Therapy Can Help With?

EMDR therapy isn't just for past traumas. If anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues are keeping you from living your best life, EMDR could be the answer. It helps reprocess disturbing memories to reduce their impact. Common signs and symptoms include:
● Intrusive thoughts about past traumatic events
● Flashbacks or nightmares related to the trauma
● Anxiety or panic attacks triggered by reminders of the trauma
● Difficulty focusing or concentrating due to racing thoughts
● Feeling emotionally numb or disconnected from others
● Low self-esteem and negative self-talk
● Avoidance of people, places, or activities that remind you of the trauma
● Irritability or anger outbursts, often without a clear trigger

These are just some of the signs and symptoms that EMDR therapy in Manhattan can help with. You're the expert of your own experience and know how it's affecting your daily life. Seeking support from an EMDR therapist can help you regain control of your emotions and reactions. So you're no longer just surviving but truly living again.

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Our EMDR Therapists Want You to Feel Empowered

At Manhattan Wellness, we’re here to help you heal from past trauma and move forward with confidence.

We get it—your trauma was beyond your control, leaving you feeling powerless and hopeless. We want to equip you with the tools to reclaim your power. You’re a survivor, not a victim, and you deserve to take control of your life. EMDR gives you the opportunity to compassionately witness your former self, or the self who was traumatized. Our EMDR therapists have worked with individuals who have experienced all types of trauma and have seen the transformative effects of EMDR therapy first-hand. Before EMDR therapy in Manhattan, they felt stuck, anxious, and overwhelmed. But through the process, they were able to find relief and regain control of their lives.

You're feeling stuck and overwhelmed, but you don't have to stay that way. With EMDR therapy in Manhattan, you can heal from past trauma and move forward with confidence. You deserve to live a life where your emotions are not controlled by past experiences. But instead, you are empowered to create the future you want. We will support you in finding your strength, better understanding who you are, and living the life you deserve. All so you can truly live your life, not just survive it.

You Deserve to Live the Life You've Imagined and Have Control Once Again.

Our therapists' approach to EMDR therapy in Manhattan is to provide a safe space for them to reframe their memory of the trauma and reduce its emotional impact. This doesn't mean the thought pertaining to the traumatic event goes away, but its control over your emotions and reactions significantly decreases. Your therapist will support you while you create a new meaning and narrative that allows you to move forward with a newfound sense of empowerment. All so you can regain control of your life and live it to the fullest.

Our Approach to EMDR Therapy in Manhattan

We Will Provide You With the Tools to Thrive

EMDR therapy isn't just about reprocessing past trauma. It's also about equipping you with the tools to thrive in all aspects of your life. Our therapists will work with you to identify and reprocess negative thought patterns that are holding you back from enjoying relationships, work, and hobbies. We'll help you develop healthy coping mechanisms and reinforce positive self-talk, so you can confidently navigate any situation that comes your way. Whether that's in a therapy session in Manhattan or in your everyday life, we want you to have the tools and skills to thrive. Our goal is to see you living a life where nothing holds you back from being the best version of yourself.
Our therapists' approach to anxiety therapy in manhattan is to work with our clients to challenge their anxious thinking patterns. We help them to challenge them to not just see the worst-case scenario but what else it could be. We will also use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help them restructure their thoughts. Often our clients will have an automatic negative thought process, and with CBT for anxiety, we will work to challenge this automation.

Regain Control of Your Life with EMDR Therapy in Manhattan

We understand that living with trauma can feel like constantly fighting an internal battle. But with EMDR therapy in Manhattan, you can regain control of your life and break free from the hold of past trauma. At Manhattan Wellness, our EMDR therapists are trained and experienced in using EMDR therapy to help you get back in the driver seat that your past trauma has taken over. We want to empower you to live the life you've always imagined and deserve. You have the power to live the life you've always wanted. You just need the tools to help you get there. Let us help guide you on your journey to healing and thriving. If you are interested in beginning EMDR therapy:

● Submit a Contact Form or Email Us at
● Learn More About Our Team and Our Areas of Expertise
● Take the first step towards healing and empowerment!

Be brave enough to take up space and find confidence and happiness in who you are

Therapy for Women 

Pour into yourself and become the empowered, confident you.

Therapy for Self-Esteem

You don’t need to snap out of it, you need a support system to help you through it

Depression Therapy

Your worth is more than your appearance. Self-love and acceptance is possible

Body Image  Therapy

Our therapists understand that EMDR therapy may not be the best fit for everyone. That's why we also offer a variety of other therapy services at Manhattan Wellness in New York. This includes Anxiety Therapy, DBT Therapy, Stress Management Counseling, and more! All so we can ensure that each client receives the individualized care and support they need to heal and thrive.

Are you feeling like you're not living the life you want?
Let's talk about it.

Other Therapy Services at Manhattan Wellness in New York

Ready to get started?

We believe that you have the power to live your best life, but often need the right support and guidance to get there.

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