Manhattan Wellness

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Jennifer Teplin, LCSW


all about Jennifer

Jennifer created Manhattan Wellness, a boutique psychotherapy practice, for young professionals to receive well-rounded care, and to support them in optimizing their life so it’s a life they LOVE - not just one that’s about checking off boxes and surface-level achievements. With mentions in Cosmopolitan and Oprah magazine, along with her master’s degree from Columbia University, Jennifer has not only created a space for therapeutic healing - she has created a movement that changes the landscape of therapy and counseling.

Jennifer guides both her growing staff and her clients based on the concept of two individuals coming together and stripping away the labels of “Therapist” and “Client.” She has combined her clinical expertise, business savvy and highly impactful relationship building skills to transform what it means to go to therapy. Collaborative, holistic and client-focused care is revolutionary in the therapy world - and Manhattan Wellness is leading the way. Jennifer's practice is built on the belief that if you're willing to challenge your current way of life, anything is possible.

how she works

Your sessions will instill security and confidence into every aspect of your life. Nothing is “too trivial” or “too much”- you will dive deep into all realms life; whether that be dating, career stresses, and quarter life challenges. Gone are the days of unrelatable, tight-lipped therapy- Jennifer believes in the power of “getting real” and she employs a direct, humanistic, solution-focused approach with her clients.

Jennifer’s practice was built on the belief that if you’re willing to challenge your current way of living, anything is possible. In actively working together, you will take an explorative approach on your mentality, to empower, discover, heal and change with Jennifer.

Jennifer prefers clients to think of her as a trusted confidant who has professional training to help identify blocks and learn techniques to make changes. This highly supportive approach, coupled with her Master’s degree from Columbia University and many years of experience provides clients with the kind of therapeutic partnership that many young professionals are looking for. 

By discussing experiences, challenges and motivations, she is able to create techniques tailored specifically to the client. Jennifer and her clients correct mental blockages together in real-time and discover their roots. They will work to unearth defense mechanisms and realign with purpose. As a result, clients become inspired to make powerful strides towards a more fulfilled self. This is therapy that provides results.

Whether you’re struggling with self-esteem, aren’t sure why you can’t seem to find the right partner or know you need to stop repeating the same harmful patterns over and over, Jennifer has your back and will hold you accountable to move forward. Jennifer is here to help you authentically thrive, to become more than you could ever imagine.

Get to know me

Facetime....there is nothing better than seeing someones expressions while you're chatting

One thing you couldn't live without

Watching my daughter fearlessly be herself....when you're 14 months old you don't care what people think - it's so freeing

Something that always makes you smile


Most used emoji

Long Beach Island 

Where is your happy place?

To freeze a moment in time

If you could have any superpower what would it be?

I always wake up an hour before any other member of my household so that I can get myself situated before the chaos begins. I spend 5 minutes mindfully relaxing in my bed before my feet touch the ground and I'm off to the races. I begin my detailed skincare routine while listening to a podcast or audiobook

Morning routine

catch up with loved ones on the phone

What do you do to de-stress? 

By carving out time for myself ahead of the week start and identifying my needs. 

How do you set yourself up for a successful week? 

South Africa on Safari 

Favorite place you have traveled

Listening to audiobooks, daily movement, journaling, photographing everyday moments, 






Well + Good

Huffington Post



talking to jennifer felt like catching up with your best friend

She immediately met me with compassion, love and understanding. Jen is not someone who sits there and asks “And how does that make you feel?” Until the session is over. She jumps in with personal stories, quips and the ever-so-needed “I know what you’re going through.”

i finally found jennifer and it was an immediate connection

I felt comfortable as soon as I walked into her office because she is undeniably warm, non-judgmental and truly compassionate. She has been a pillar in my life, allowing me to trust her with my most vulnerable moments.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I can always count on her, as she goes above and beyond to make time for me when I am in need, and continues to nurture our relationship. Results: Jennifer guided me in small exercises that cultivated a consciousness of my negative self-talk.

within minutes spent with her i knew i was exactly where i needed to be

i feel like i’m catching up with a friend during our sessions

She is also funny, and I feel like I’m catching up with a friend during our sessions. Jennifer has taught me to give myself a break and treat myself kinder and with more patience. Results: I have set better boundaries in relationships, which has helped me build stronger, more honest relationships with friends and family.

jen surpasses the definitions of open and approachable

The combination of Jen's personality and age make her so human; so capable of connecting with a demographic that is often very misunderstood. It's refreshing and most importantly has given me such hope. I can confidently say that Jen is the therapist I've been searching for over the past 5 years.

i was immediately heard

As a twenty-something woman in New York City, finding a therapist who is both experienced and qualified to deep-dive into the day-to-day issues millennials face today, while having a genuine relatable touch, is quite a challenge. She could sense the initial hesitation and skepticism in my voice, and swiftly moved past it with confidence and actual conversation.

she has never shown up with less than her best for a session

Some practitioners may do the work for you, but Jennifer will do it alongside of you. I never felt alone, and always felt empowered to show up more and more for myself. Results: There is nothing as powerful as waking up in the morning, looking in the mirror, and loving the person I see.

i know beyond a shadow of a doubt i can always count on her

she goes above and beyond to make time for me when I am in need, and continues to nurture our relationship. Results: My entire life I dreamt of eventually growing up to be someone who actually loved herself, inside and out, in all of her imperfections. Now, because of Jennifer I am that and more.

Professional + Clinical Experience



Each book offers unique insights and wisdom, reflecting our therapists' passion for personal growth and well-being. You might find the perfect read that resonates with you on your own journey to a happier, healthier life.

work with jennifer

We believe that you have the power to live your best life, but often need the right support and guidance to get there.