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Can Mindfulness Really Help with Anxiety Treatment?

December 7, 2023

Anxiety is a common and natural response to stress, but when it becomes overwhelming and persistent, it can significantly impact one’s well-being. Mindfulness is a powerful practice that can help alleviate anxiety by promoting a state of focused awareness and acceptance of the present moment. When we’re anxious, it is so easy to be pulled out of the present moment and become consumed by our thoughts and emotions – these can be about the past, the future, or by a tainted lens of the current moment we are in.

By cultivating mindfulness, individuals can develop better coping mechanisms and reduce the negative effects of anxiety. Here are some ways mindfulness can be used as an effective tool for managing anxiety:

1. Focusing on the Present: Anxiety often arises from worrying about the future or dwelling on past events. Mindfulness encourages individuals to shift their attention to the present moment, allowing them to let go of unnecessary concerns and experience a sense of calmness. Affirmations that can be helpful here are “I am here now” or “I am keeping my mind where my body is”.

2. Non-Judgmental Awareness: Mindfulness encourages non-judgmental awareness of one’s thoughts and feelings. Instead of labeling thoughts as good or bad, we learn to observe them without attaching any value or significance, reducing the impact of anxious thoughts. A helpful visual here is to imagine your anxious thoughts or feelings as leaves falling off a tree into a stream – they may swirl around you for a moment, but as they head downstream, allow them to go.

3. Breath Awareness: Mindful breathing is a fundamental aspect of mindfulness practice. By paying attention to the breath, individuals can ground themselves in the present moment and regulate their physical and emotional responses to anxiety.

4. Acceptance: Rather than trying to fight or suppress anxiety, mindfulness fosters an attitude of acceptance towards it. Acknowledging anxiety without judgment helps individuals respond to it with more compassion and understanding. Something you can say to yourself is “I am noticing I am anxious right now, and that’s okay, because this is an anxiety inducing situation”.

5. Body Scan: Another mindfulness technique involves performing a body scan. This involves systematically directing attention to different parts of the body, identifying areas of tension, and consciously releasing them. This practice helps to reduce physical symptoms associated with anxiety. Reconnecting our mind and body is crucial in mindfulness.

6. Letting Go of Control: Anxiety often arises from a desire for control over uncontrollable situations. Mindfulness teaches individuals to let go of the need for constant control and to accept the uncertainty that life brings. This can be challenging and is one aspect of mindfulness that may take longer to lean into than others. 

7. Practicing Gratitude: Mindfulness can also involve cultivating gratitude. Focusing on positive aspects of life can counteract negative thought patterns associated with anxiety. It can be helpful to start by noticing neutral and semi-positive aspects of life if leaning into positivity feels too challenging at first.

8. Mindful Activities: Engaging in activities with full awareness, such as walking, eating, or even doing chores, can anchor individuals to the present moment and reduce anxious rumination. Being mindful while doing an activity means not using your phone, doing these activities alone, and connecting with your senses while engaging in whatever activity you are doing.

9. Mindfulness Meditation: Regular mindfulness meditation sessions can strengthen the mind’s ability to stay present and reduce the reactivity to anxious thoughts and feelings.

Mindfulness is a powerful and accessible practice for managing anxiety. By cultivating present-moment awareness, non-judgmental acceptance, and self-compassion, we can develop a more balanced and resilient approach to dealing with anxiety. Incorporating mindfulness into daily life can lead to profound changes in how one relates to anxiety, ultimately promoting overall well-being and mental health. Mindfulness can be accessed anywhere as long as we are open to it and willing to pause for a moment to reconnect with ourselves.

Other Therapy Services at Manhattan Wellness in Manhattan, Westchester, Brooklyn & Throughout New York

Our therapists understand that there can be a variety of different needs that arise. Apart from helping you navigate anxiety and mindfulness, our therapists also offer a variety of services to cater to your individual needs. The therapy services we offer are Anxiety Treatment, Therapy for Depression, Stress Management, and Therapy for Women. As well as Therapy for Self-Esteem, support for, body image therapy, and so much more. Do you feel like you’re not living the life you want and need to make changes? Let’s talk about it.

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